Classes are underway again here at Missouri State University, and with a fresh start to a new school year come some new faces for the MSU Chartwell's Green Team! Rachel and Tori here, and we are super excited to share our hydroponic adventures with you this coming semester!
Both of us are proud to be students in the Darr College of Agriculture here at MSU. Tori moved here one year ago from her hometown of Houston, Texas, and has loved being a Bear! This semester, she is completing her Bachelor's degree in Natural Resources with an Emphasis in Entomology. At the same time, Tori is also beginning her Master's degree in Plant Science through the Accelerated Masters Program. She is looking forward to learning about hydroponics and sharing her discoveries with you! Rachel is currently a junior and pursuing her Bachelor's degree in Environmental Plant Science-Crop Science. She plans to minor in Horticulture and is also a part of the Accelerated Masters Program, through which she hopes to get a Master's degree in Plant Science. Originally from a large beef farm near Hartville, Missouri, Rachel has grown produce her whole life (including selling at Farmers Markets) and and is excited to learn more about hydroponics!
🌱 Here's to a great start of what's sure to be an unbe-leaf-able semester! 🌿
Talk to you soon!
Rachel & Tori