Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hello all! 

Things are starting to slow down in the grow room as we prepare for the summer. We still have a couple of harvests left, but we aren’t starting anymore seeds. 

We also just had an amazing kale harvest! We harvested almost 4 pounds of black magic kale alone! We also have a second variety of kale that we are just trying out, a hybrid cutflower kale variety. It looks like moose antlers!

We are having a lot of fun in the grow room! 
🌿The Green Team 🌿

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Excited from my head Tomatoes!

Hello everyone!πŸ™‹πŸΌ
We have some very exciting news....!

                              Our tomatoes are finally big enough they need a little help supporting themselves, so we are tying them to rods attached to some piping on the ceiling!

If you look hard enough we have some flowers blooming as well, which means we should be expecting some fruit formation in the next couple weeks!πŸ…πŸ…πŸŒ± 

The Green Team