Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Our last big harvest was just that- BIG!

As the semester ends, we harvested our largest amount of produce this year. 
Coming into the room, we saw this beautiful jungle:

Our harvest included chervil, Parsley, cilantro, dill, red Malabar spinach, Swiss chard, and basil. The largest proportions our our harvest were from the 25 ounces of Shiso, 82 ounces of kale, and 56 ounces of lettuce.
In total, we harvested 14 pounds of produce!

Take a look at all of the gorgeous greens!

This semester was a blast, and we are looking forward to the next one!
🌿The Green Team 🌿

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hello all! 

Things are starting to slow down in the grow room as we prepare for the summer. We still have a couple of harvests left, but we aren’t starting anymore seeds. 

We also just had an amazing kale harvest! We harvested almost 4 pounds of black magic kale alone! We also have a second variety of kale that we are just trying out, a hybrid cutflower kale variety. It looks like moose antlers!

We are having a lot of fun in the grow room! 
🌿The Green Team 🌿

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Excited from my head Tomatoes!

Hello everyone!πŸ™‹πŸΌ
We have some very exciting news....!

                              Our tomatoes are finally big enough they need a little help supporting themselves, so we are tying them to rods attached to some piping on the ceiling!

If you look hard enough we have some flowers blooming as well, which means we should be expecting some fruit formation in the next couple weeks!πŸ…πŸ…πŸŒ± 

The Green Team 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Hello Everyone!

We had a great harvest this week! Coming back from spring break and the room was thriving, and we had to harvest the first day back. This might be one of the biggest hauls that we have seen so far in the semester.

We ended up with 
- 31 oz of Shiso 
- 8.5 oz of Basil
- 22.5 oz of Parsley 
- 1 oz of Cilantro 
- 5 oz of Dill 
- 79 oz of Lettuce 
That’s a total of 10 pounds of produce, which we were very excited about!  

We harvested nearly 30 heads of lettuce that totaled up to 5 pounds! Some of the lettuce heads were bigger than our heads, as evidenced below: 

🌿 The Green Team 🌿

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Exciting news!

Hey everyone!

The Green Team with some updates: 

We are super excited about our special project, and it’s finally starting! A few weeks ago we planted our seeds, and now our sprouts are finally big enough to move to the towers. 

Any guesses as to what it is?


We are starting tomatoes! Once they are too heavy to support their own weight in the towers, we are going to trellis them to ropes suspended from the ceiling. Another thing about tomatoes is that they will need to be pollinated. Unfortunately, bringing bees into the grow room isn’t very feasible, so hand pollination it is. Hopefully we can get some fruit off of them before the semester ends! 

We are so excited about this tomato growing project, it’s never been done in the grow room, and we can’t wait to see how it goes. We will be posting updates as they grow!


Friday, January 25, 2019

Hey everyone!
We’re the new members of the Green Team, Hannah and Katy. We’re so excited to be granted this opportunity of working in the grow room. 

Hi, I’m Hannah! πŸ™‹πŸ»
I’m an Environmental Plant Science Horticulture major in my first year here at MSU! I have always loved plants and the hydroponic systems here really interested me.  I am so excited to be working in the grow room and can’t wait to get GROWING! πŸŒ±πŸ’š

Hey, I’m Katy!πŸ‘©πŸΌ‍🌾
 I am also a freshman and a Environmental Plant Science Horticulture major at MSU🐻. Hannah and I have some new ideas on how to stretch the limits of the grow towers. We have some great ideas, and I’m super pumped to learn about hydroponically growing plants!